
Showing posts from May, 2012


                      Sorrow turned to joy,          vagueness brought tears to eyes; charmed                          glimpse of my sister! I always wanted to write about my cousin Bareera,the haiku prompt gave a chance, she is  my double cousin (both maternal and paternal first cousin) she is very special to me, her innocent love and actions fill my days with JOY and make the blues evaporate... saying nothing and strolling around me around the house, with those sweet actions made my days HAPPIER... Longed for a sister always and she came as answers to my prayers... feel blessed to have her :) The following post is written for the prompt this week, "JOY" given by haiku heights ..


I verbalize coarse, Its forever black or white, acceptance denied..! Ask me precision, why is honestly cast off? I never praise two faced! Grey, never adorned, optimist nor pessimist.. Its just black or white Forever we are thought to speak the truth but we often face situations when the truth is unpraising and people deny it.. we here in world are bound in to categories pessimists or the optimists, what if we don't fall in any of them.. are we aliens then? we speak without calculating, either its good or bad, are we the unsocial ones then? or are we the normal not-so-diplomat people? A thing I have been pondering upon... I speak my mind whenever I can :) I don't follow either of categories... I speak black or white!!! The following post was written for the prompt provided by ONE SINGLE IMPRESSION


LAUGHTER is the cure to many diseases they say, why didn't it turn for me a light of ray? I make people laugh but laughter never divided my sorrows half... Many frowns might have I turned still my SMILE is unconcerned The paint, red and white hide my blues Is there someone who can see my frantic hues???? The clown I am, my choice.. does this dolefulness end on my demise? This poem is written for the picture prompt provided this week by The Mag


We wake up in the morning often deciding the day ahead... our school, collages, breakfasts, the bus to board or the petrol pump which is on the way to our destination... this is common with almost all of us.. but how many us have startled from their beloved sleeps and felt MISPLACED?   Here's an exemplary situation a normal person works or studies 6 days a week but when its the holiday, he/she still gets up on his scheduled time.. this is because of the living habit developed..  this isn't misplaced this is called discipline towards the schedule :) but when the same person takes a volunteering leave cos of any medical ailments and the whole day seems empty to him/her, that feeling is called as misplaced.. we are bound to our schedules so much that even a single leave from the work/collage makes the day feel long,gloomy and obviously boring... Another question here stumbles in my mind which is the reason i narr...


Today while wandering in my yahoo inbox saw something that made me shocked as well as happy... Wow! how amazing are friendships, no bond of blood.. but still pined with souls... I realized I have walked a way to a whole new relationship.. A profound friendship.. :) allhumdullila.. now the only words that I can think of is "Rabb-bni indaka baytan fee i-jannah" (I wish to have a home with you in jannah) Spending endless 14 hours a day seemed so easy :) Dreaming of future's, sharing baseless ideologies and of course finding appropriate date's for each other :P, in these all was budding a friendship forever.. :) From a person who hated India, I was transforming to a person who can't leave India without already starting to miss India...  To a person whose friends said him " get a life dude!" was a person who was giving life to me :) In that unwanted tangled stage of life we both found a forever longed friendship.. A person whose so like me but ye...


Crocuses symbolizes life, lets give it a thought, like crocuses budding into a bright color are children's emerging talents, The new life arises from the marrow of its ambitions and dreams... we start relying on talents and make a whole world of dreams we posses... slowly the single color becomes the hip of the flowers as our dreams become the base of our survival, ambitions..  there comes a point when we feel Grief , perhaps it accompanies when hard work is not sufficient... Hope gives a willing hand to open the windows of opportunities, hard work now turns to a massive amount, as the crocuses flower also transforms into a contrasting purple later!  Heart becomes contagious of gaiety when people start clattering in praise! the heart longs the moment to be held in stillness .... the failure becomes a beautiful secret and we see our life changed :) Isn't life similar to a flower , fragile yet developing and being the change...? :)    ...


                                 Pined in hysterics;                       bursting rage, anger; dismay                    longs for pious heart! I never find voice to my emotions and hence often end up with great loss, resulting in devastated situations, paradoxical questions! "why didn't I speak up, when I was supposed to!?" that's what I am usually left with in the end, but still My skeptical mind never allowed me to blurt out.. arrogance and two faced people always upset me, this resulted in the origin of the haiku :)   The above haiku is written for the Haiku Heights . The prompt for this week is 'PINE'.   ...


How many times have we decided in life that the ordeal, misery is now going to end? I am sure many of us might never thought of this, cos the cliche that's in our head "destiny is written already!" but its never written, our strong determination, believe nurtures it lets it take the twists and turns every now and then... But whose destiny is it? Isn't it our own... indeed yes and hence we control it.. :) might sound really stupid to many people and crazy even but its the truth when we make our minds no matter what happens nothing is bad enough cause we already have seen the baddest and don't wanna see more nothing actually bad happens... we may think it is new development of optimism in us or maybe it just becomes a firm ray of confidence in our mind that our actually stop our destiny to give us bad... everyone owns somethings... firstly, its own life and hence we have the whole control over it... A true feeling is strong enough to twist the whole fate...


MY FIRST ATTEMPT TO WRITE A HAIKU... HOPE I DID WELL :) masked world around me, camouflaged life passes by anguished innocence


The dictionary describes it as "the strong envious feeling" and the Wikipedia had a long story and detailed about it which by the time we end we scroll for other emotions detail called as boredom :) The reason I took up this topic today is my own trait :) I feel myself jealous most of the times once my father said me the more you are jealous the more the person/thing means u and hence it is never as ugly feeling as people say it.. it good to be jealous.. :) as long as we keep it to ourselves no matter how much convincingly we show it to others they fail to understand and there comes the destruction :) Starting from girls with blue eyes and ranging from being a bird,cloud,mud and so on.... I am jealous on all these things :) It does not mean I don't like these all or don't want to see them but it just shows my longing for them similarly when I see my OWN friend with someone I feel jealous that certainly does not mean I want to rip her apart or i want my frie...


Many times in our uneven lives we see ourselves in situations where we all think paradoxically, we forget the best in ourselves and depend on our worst reviews given by friends, family or even strangers...  This particular feeling of not trusting ourselves dwells in every persons life, we be on a peak where we struggle to find the truth with a ending hope that we find good in ourselves, and when it do sent happen, we give in to the worst verdict of others... The cynical lifestyle makes us believe on the world more than anything else and finally we give in to it, ACCEPTANCE is the only name we give to LOST FIGHT... The question here arises do we know ourselves even or do we depend on others for it? If this is the question then the other question automatically dwells how can we know others if we really don't know ourselves? and along with it, the curious mind cant resist but ask if we depend on others review on us, are they too depending on our reviews? There might e ...


Its been a long time since I opened blogger and gave it a shot... apologies to everyone who has been waiting this long to hear about metamorphosis...  This time I have a different tale to narrate... It may help us all see the depth of relationships in our lives, last Sunday when my mommy left for her yearly visit to Riyadh I had a strange pang in my heart it was that heartache which we usually have when a dearly beloved or more than that like our mom leave us on our own and we know we aren't going to see her or the next three months or so, a kind of feeling that develops in the little heart of the bird which is pushed by her mother bird from the pampered nest to spread its wings and fly, or at least learn to fly...  I was missing her more than that was afraid for maybe unknown reasons :(  Well it wasn't the first time she left either but I had different concerns this time, an unusual loneliness was settling in me my dearest friends whom I consider the ...