Many times in our uneven lives we see ourselves in situations where we all think paradoxically, we forget the best in ourselves and depend on our worst reviews given by friends, family or even strangers... 

This particular feeling of not trusting ourselves dwells in every persons life, we be on a peak where we struggle to find the truth with a ending hope that we find good in ourselves, and when it do sent happen, we give in to the worst verdict of others...
The cynical lifestyle makes us believe on the world more than anything else and finally we give in to it, ACCEPTANCE is the only name we give to LOST FIGHT...
The question here arises do we know ourselves even or do we depend on others for it? If this is the question then the other question automatically dwells how can we know others if we really don't know ourselves? and along with it, the curious mind cant resist but ask if we depend on others review on us, are they too depending on our reviews?

There might e many questions that can follow up once we start thinking about it...
But I finally gave in for the answer which satisfied me, maybe we the people have a tendency to not look into ourselves but we can clearly see others... the ones who are the bad critics maybe our foes or maybe disguised well wishers, who want us to work on those areas where we are miserable...

And those who are our good critics are our good friends or just people who think that's our minimum potential and don't think we can push ourselves to further limits..? If so what are the people called who sit by our side and make us aware of our flaws before the world see's them? friend or foe? or just a blessing in disguise? :)

Basing on this the whole definition of friends and foes change upside down and radiates a new and different look...  when we understand this we clearly know its time to change with a different ideology and a different outlook towards life... :):)


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