With a blink of my eyes..I can travel back in the time..
You know I can invigorate you..everyday..all the time..!
I can still the moments..I can chase the flying planes..
In my world..I am the one..who can bring all the change!
But will you believe me..when I tell you..
That I can relinquish these powers divine..??..
For a new MEMORY with you..I can bequeath the blinking of my eyes!
Do you remember the hurdles..we thought were difficult to clear..
The time when our innocuous hearts..envisaged things our mind could not bear!..
The STAIR you thought was it could break in between..
The BOAT you wished to see the world you had never seen..!
Then I had promised..that I will abide..I will make it possible..
That one day WE will climb those STAIRS..and sail the BOAT across that RIVER..
Do you know I can do everything today..that your mind ever designed..
Still for a new JOURNEY with you..I can bequeath the blinking of my eyes!
You know I can solve..the mysteries..and all those conundrums labyrinthine..
If I wish..Everything you can see..I can own mine!
With another blink..I can animate all 'OUR' dreams..
Whatever we ever thought..I can all the means..!
But will you believe me..when I tell you..
That I can stop DREAMING..for ever by choice..
For a new DREAM with you..I can bequeath the blinking of my eyes!
So TOMORROW when you will be here.. to enliven this EXANIMATE..
Which I keep recreating..with my eyes blinking at infinite rate!..
I promise to make no more promises..but to make this very last one indeed..
That TOMORROW..I will open my see this it must be seen!
For the real turns magical with you..And MY eyes will need no more BLINKING!!..
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