I close my eyes and make a wish. I then blow the candles off the cake..

When I was a kid, I believed in birthday wishes and i still do. I think they would will come true someday.

But even on my nineteenth birthday, I did close my eyes and make a wish. Hoping that it will come true someday. Hoping that I can make it come true one day.

It keeps us going. Right? When we lose hope, we lose faith. We lose everything.

When we are young, we believe in birthday wishes, in tooth fairies and in Santa Clause.
But as we grow up, we realize that these things don't exist in the real world. But we never stop hoping, right? It helps us in keeping up with the shit our lives give us.

So, as I closed my eyes, I made a wish. Hoping that it does come true :)
I blew off the candles of the past, and made a new start. A new beginning of the nineteenth year of my life..

Yes, I turned nineteenth yesterday, though I still feel like a six year old :)
And two of my friends gave me the best gift of my life. Thanks a ton to both of you!
You can check my cake out here out here :) and have a slice too... :)


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