We humans have different point of views and beliefs. We were born as unique as our fingerprints and we are all aware to many things surrounding us. We might be changing as time passes by but still we cannot deny the fact that Life has given so much lessons in which we are continuing to learn. We all have rights to speak and listen. Now, I would like to begin my way of sharing short life and love mixed quotes in which you can surely reflect, ponder and relate. Good thing is that through this, you'll be able to read what's on my mind as well. Here are a few starting quotes for you:
  • Sometimes, words not heard.. hurt the most!
Ohhhhh it’s really hurting especially if the one you love is the one who’s not saying anything (No comment factor!). Sometimes, it’s okay to yell than to be silent all the time.
  • Sometimes what I'm looking for, comes when I'm not looking at all.
 It reminded me of bringing my umbrella when it’s very sunny and raining so hard when I don’t have it!!
  • Actions don't break up couples, feelings and insecurities do!
Well it’s true. I’ve seen a lot of breakups due to undying insecurities. No one is perfect without the others support in a relationship!!
  • Sometimes when you stand up to fast, you lose sight for a second.
Stand slowly and you won’t surely mess up unless you’re in a hurry :P
  • It’s better if someone doesn't recognize your existence rather than a person that knows you exist and yet gives you no worth.
Exactly, why don’t you just recognize your own worth? Give it a try at least.
  • Sometimes the people who are afraid of having a commitment, are the persons who know the real meaning of it.
Hmmmmm, ahmmm, uhmmmm, ????... Now I know.  It’s still a matter of decision. 
  • The most important thing in life is, you learn from whatever you take on and you end up to be a better person.
Absolutely, take it or leave it. Learn from your mistakes. Okay?!


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