"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Now, I don't want you to look at this title and think ' Are you advocating some kind of self centered, narcissistic preoccupation with myself?' No, that's not true.

I write and speak about the mind, and mastering the mind, and when it comes to your opinion of yourself, your own self esteem and self worth- it should all be about you.

Your thoughts, your perceptions, your beliefs about yourself should be more important than those of others. You should guide yourself instead of being guided by others.

It's not always an easy thing to do. We grow up with other people's mindsets a lot- you might even hear your parents words in your mind when you are thinking about a decision.

But ultimately, what I am really getting at is when it comes to the way you think about yourself, you should only take yourself into account. You are the only one that counts.

Many people will have an opinion on what you do. The clothes you wear, how you conduct yourself, the actions and decisions you take. People may praise you and criticize you in equal measure.

It's a sad fact we live in a judgmental world. So many people mold and shape themselves into how they believe others want them to be, instead of just being themselves.

When mastering your mind, remember that those who criticize are your greatest teachers. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, taking on their opinions is a choice.

After all- it is just that- their opinions. What separates those who really go for things in life compared to the people who don't is their ability to filter out the opinions that don't serve them, the ability to listen to their inner voice and their own opinions and build on them, making them stronger and stronger each day.

I liken it to being like a strong oak tree- grounded and rooted, unaffected by circumstances (opinions) around them. The opposite of that of course, is someone who completely listens to others and ignores the fact that they have mental autonomy- they are like a thin tree- liable to bend this way or that according to who they listen to.

Remember- you do have mental autonomy. When it comes to your self esteem, your opinion of yourself, yours is the only one that counts. Be determined to love yourself!


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