Brothers. The Word Says It All. Brothers Are Those Persons Who Have Been Sent Into This Earth To Be A Best Friend And A Guide For Girls[Sisters]. A guy loves only 2 girls the most in his life. One his mother, while the second would be his lil girl i.e; a Sister. The funny thing is they never accept the fact that they actually love their sisters. They quarrel with us for every silly little thing, sometimes makes us cry too, but still they are the only ones who can make us stop crying :). They take care of you like a father, fights with you like a friend, tease you like a TYPICAL BROTHER but still Loves you more than your lover :).

Even I am lucky to have one such fascinating creature in my life. Oh Yea they are Creatures. Not Humans nor Devils. Hmm. You can call them an ANGEL or a FAIRY maybe. What to tell you about my brother?.! Because whatever I write here would be really less for him. He is one in a million and describing him in words would take my whole lifetime.! Still lets give it a try. So, my brother's name is Nabeel commonly called as Speed (as he calls himself RAFTAAR :P :D). Currently working to become an Engineer. Since I was a baby He has taken care of me as if m his daughter. Just like any other bro-sis in the world, we fight and shout at each other but all our anger doesn't even last for 2 minutes, Cause we both know that we need each other... At least to fight.

I am really lucky to have a brother like him. He plays with me, takes me out, get Ice-creams for me, and more than anything else loves me a lot. He takes care of me always. He makes me laugh with tears in my eyes. He is very very innocent. He is a little short-tempered too. When we both are fighting if our mom or dad comes in between and scolds us then we both become One. One thing I like the most is we cant be separated never ever.

I want to mention one incident. I cant call it an incident actually cause it happens every time we go out. From the time I was a little girl till now, when crossing the road he makes sure he holds my hand. He very well knows that I can cross the street on my own but still he never lets me do it when I am with him. Very protective of me..

I will never finish talking on him. But unfortunately now I have to stop as there is one special moment which I want to share with all of you. That is none other than his birthday.3rd january (this tuesday) . Which means he is one year older than the last year but not really old at all.! So here is wishing you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY which I hope would be SPECIAL just like you. Hope you 1000 more wonderful birthday to come. Each year filled with double the amount of happiness and fun. Hope u have a fantastic life ahead my dear brother :). Just know that I will always be with you no matter what. I may have many brothers, uncles, or friends in boys but still YOU WERE, YOU ARE and YOU WILL BE MY NUMBER ONE MAN FOREVER.Just Love You Bro >:)< You Complete my life :). Muahhx :*

P.S- I have three wonderful bros but this one was dedicated to my BHAIJAAN...

P.P.S- I'll write for both my younger brothers sometime later inshallah :):):)


  1. i too had many probs after writing that check it now :(

  2. and whats well written :(
    everything the usual


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