I'm aiming to be fluent in love. To immerse myself in love, in a beautiful feeling called love, in a process of falling in love. My heart's name is love.

I'm aiming to be fluent in passion. To lose myself in daily tasks with a hunger of wanting being alive, to treasure each moment, be grateful for a single minute. My soul's name is passion.

"YOU ARE AN ARTIST OF THE SPIRIT. Find yourself and express yourself in your own particular way. Express your love openly. Life is nothing but a dream, and if you create your life with love, your dream becomes a masterpiece of art." Don Miguel Ruiz

Collect your beautiful memories and be grateful that you can have all of them. Forget those which made you cry, learn from them first and then forget them all. Let them go away piece by piece, memory by memory, heartache by heartache.

Spoil your mind, your soul, your heart only with worthy pictures. They will all decide how you are feeling now.

Play. Enjoy yourself. Start liking yourself. Start knowing a word "joy". Make yourself happy each day. No one will do it for you or instead of you. Look for happiness each and every day. In the morning remind yourself that you are the most unique person in this world. No one can be "youer" than you. You are special.

I would say "Every day I create my world as I'd love to see it".


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